Where does Plico’s technology come from?

Plico (Starling Energy Group) has worked hard to identify and research products and suppliers who we believe will be able to deliver the best outcomes for our customers.  The products we select are required to have a 10-year warranty.  Where possible, we have selected Australian-based businesses or equipment driven by Australian IP.

The business concept and model of a community-owned, battery-driven virtual power plant has been developed in conjunction with energy experts, legal teams and our sustainable investment partner, SUSI Partners.

The smart hybrid Inverter we have selected is owned, designed and developed in Australia out of the University of Queensland by Redback Technologies’ engineers, while their staff in China oversee the production line.

This is the same production model that worldwide tech phenomena Apple uses, where Redback Technology manages its own supply chain on the components of the inverter, as well as their own quality assurance and quality control.

Our panels are Tier 1 panels from Suntech.  All components of our system are sourced through our supply partner, Sonepar – a business-to-business distributor of electrical products, solutions and related services who have been around for 50 years.